Solana Blinks
Blockchain Links, simple innovation for mainstream adoption
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  • Solana introduces "Solana Actions"
  • Links can be created to perform any action on the solana blockchain:
    • Send payment
    • Swap
    • Mint
    • Vote
  • Links can then be used in any website


  • Only Certain wallets support these links at the moment
  • Adoption from merchants and users/customers still depends on a large number of factors, understanding the need is still a large blocking factor.

Taken from x:

This week saw the release of blockchain links aka blinks, and the internet lost its collective mind over one of the coolest web3 innovations ever.

Anywhere you can share a link on the internet, you can now pay, swap, mint, donate, and vote using Solana. It's powered by Solana Actions, APIs that can be used to build connections to onchain transactions using things like QR codes, push notifications, and more.