ideas ....

the problems with the existing financial system


Transaction Fees (Gas Fees) A transaction fee is paid to the network (validator) in order to have your transaction verified and then committed to the blockchain. It is paid in exchange for the compute power and storage required to process your transaction. It makes no difference if you actually transfer 1 dollar or 1 million dollars worth of crypto, you will be charged the same transaction fee. It's transparent and its fair.

Staking & Proof of Stake

Types of Concensus (Proof-of-Work, Proof-of-Stake)

The People (A List)

Acronyms FUD - Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt

Identity and Verified Claims ssid & cheqd

Inflation and Tokenomics Minting and Burning

List of Institutional Adoption

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Learn more about Helium Mobile - its tokenomics and the meaning of its stats Add Helium Explorer to EXPLORE