Bitcoin (BTC) new wallets at record highs
Over 700k new wallets created in one day
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On Saturday 9th September 2023 approximately 719,000 new Bitcoin wallet addresses were created. This is the second highest data point recorded and topped only by a reading of 800,000 on December 14th 2017.

Explain it like I'm 5: A lot of people made a new Bitcoin wallet this weekend, like opening a new bank account, so we think that means that people like Bitcoin more and more.

The 'new wallet addresses' statistic represents the number of fresh bitcoin address locations on the blockchain that received an initial amount of Bitcoin. This is a proxy statistic for new Bitcoin users, perhaps purchasing Bitcoin for the first time, however it can be argued that many of these addresses may be existing users creating second or third addresses. Regardless, it is assumed that an increase in 'new wallet addresses' will indeed correlate to positive Bitcoin adoption.

Other recent examples of Bitcoin adoption:

Bitcoin (BTC) holders exceed population of Spain

Sources and Prior Data:

September 11th, 2023, Finbold reported :

September 12th, 2023, Coinfomania reported (using data from Glassnode) :

Bitcoin second highest daily new addresses, Coinfomania