

Index of Web3 Folder


Web3 represents the next generation of the internet, incorporating concepts such as decentralization, blockchain technologies, and token-based economics.

Primary Web3 Concepts

What is Decentralized Finance DeFi?

What is a Decentralized Exchange DEX?

What is a DAO?

What is meant by Decentralised?

Cryptocurrencies and Tokens

What are Cryptocurrencies?

How do you buy Crypto?

What are Fungible Tokens?

What are Non-fungible Tokens?


What is Blockchain?

What are Concensus Mechanisms?

What are Smart Contracts?

Problems with the current monetary system

What is Fiat Currency?

What is Quantitative Easing?

What is Inflation and Deflation?

Nuxt Architecture.

Based on Nuxt 3 and Nuxt Content.
Use Nuxt to build a static site, or a serverless app.