Cryptotonioum - How To
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This is the second in a series of foundational articles that began with (part 1) the motivations behind creating this site and then, in the next few articles, I will continue to explain how to get the most out of cryptotonium before you jump in.

As I described in part 1, it can be very difficult to make progress, in terms of understanding, when most web3 content is written for the web3 enthusiast and not the layperson. What is an appropriate question, and where should you start?

Articles and content in Cryptotonium are different and target various levels of crypto experience, from complete beginner upwards.

Cryptotonium utilises several consistent formats/sections that hopefully you will become familiar with:

  • Summary
  • What happened?
  • Analogies
  • Explain it like I'm 5
  • What else should I be asking?
  • Links to definitions
  • External list of sources
  • Hub pages


Articles (and Web3 definitions) will all begin with a brief summary. It should be possible to understand the basics of the article from just this summary and it should provide you enough detail to make a decision:- read further or choose another topic.

What Happened ?

This section will appear when the article relates to a news event or milestone that was reached at a certain point in time.


Where appropriate, Cryptotonium uses analogies to explain complex technical jargon.

Explain it like I'm 5

A humorous method of simplifying the topic down to its simplest level. There's no reason to overcomplicate things, especially when we all have limited time available. If we are able to articulate concepts at a level that a 5 year old would understand, then we can always add detail later.

What else should I be asking ?

These sections provide the logical next questions and will be accompanied by links within Cryptotonium or externally. Somewhat similar to a "Frequently Asked Questions" (FAQ) section, the questions posed may coincidentally align with the queries you are forming or they may simply inform you of the next stepping stone options that you can take.

Links to Definitions

Cryptotonium includes a growing definitions library that comprises explanations of tech jargon, acronyms, concepts and other words / phrases that benefit from a clear definition. Many articles will include links (in-line) so that you can grow your Web3 vocabulary and follow along with the crypto narrative.

External list of Sources

Articles will provide a list of external source information or Links to other sites that provide further reading on the current topic.

Hub pages

A number of pages within Cryptotonium are designed to be used as hub pages. They contain Links to useful places on the Web that you may want to visit frequently.
Hub pages (like the Explore page) act like an index page for the web3 ecosystem. You may want to bookmark these pages for ease of access.

I hope you enjoy Cryptotonium.