The Motivation Behind Cryptotonium
A short introductory article on the reasons for creating the Cryptotonium portal
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This is the first in a series of foundational articles that begin with the motivations behind my creating this site and then, in the next few articles, I will continue to explain how to get the most out of the cryptotonium site before you jump in.

Web3, Cryptocurrency and Blockchain are emerging technologies but, for most people, these words still mean very little. These introductory articles are designed for those who are new to these topics but feel they would like to understand more.

In some circles cryptocurrencies have a bad reputation, or worse are associated with scams, tax evasion, money laundering and terrorism financing. It is not uncommon to hear these issues raised when inquiring as to a person's crypto standpoint. This is not surprising as the mainstream media and news outlets often highlight negative stories whilst the positive aspects about the industry are entirely overlooked. This is not unique to cryptocurrency but if an individual wishes to hear the real facts behind web3 they are unlikely to find any content presented through mainstream media channels and instead are required to search more esoteric, crypto focused, news sites, which of course, most people will not do.

Unfortunately preconceptions (imparted externally or otherwise) often prevent individuals from taking an objective look into a topic and hinder a person from forming their own balanced viewpoint.

(1) Setting the record straight is the first reason why I want to provide real and balanced insights to a non-technical, wider audience.

However I would like to go much further than simply dispelling the stereotypical doom and gloom narrative. When you look beneath the surface Web3 is fascinating, has mind-blowing potential for humanity and will indeed affect everyone on the planet in the coming decade.

'Blockchain' is a story of positivity and fairness. 'Decentralisation' provides us a chance to reset some of the harmful trends that society has inflicted upon itself and make a better world for future generations. It doesn't matter if you don't yet understand these terms, but let me state the following: Web3 will not only right the wrongs from Web2, it will right wrongs that society has been subjected to for hundreds of years.

If you think these claims are grandiose or an impossible exaggeration then I ask you to read on and allow me a little time so that I may convince you otherwise.

(2) Providing a vision of a brighter future, this is the second reason why I wanted to create cryptotonium.

When I began my own, personal, journey into blockchain I quickly realised how difficult it was to progress and gain insights. Like many other parts of the internet, web3 has its own language and terminology that can appear cult like and intimidating to newcomers. Altcoins, Memecoins, NFTs, Steaking, Liquidity Pools, Yeild Farming and thousands of other terms to familiarise oneself with.

Web3 is like an onion, in terms of the numerous layers of understanding that you must peel back before reaching the core. Each layer is a fundamental change in both understanding and realisation and perhaps alludes to the paradigm shift that is silently occurring. The root of money and everything we understand about how we assess value is being challenged.

The hurdles I encountered were not due to any lack of answers on the web but simply because I didn't know what questions to ask or even why I might want to ask questions at all.

(3) Highlighting both the answers and the questions that you should be asking, this is the third reason this site exists.

The Web3 community doesn't take itself too seriously and is injected full of humor yet it successfully manages to orchestrate complex and professional topics. Topics such as Decentralised Finance (so called DeFi), the Economics of the blockchain economy (so called Tokenomics) and many other evolving areas that are already disrupting telecommunications, logistics, energy, healthcare and touching practically every other industry.

You may be wondering who is responsible, which corporates, which CEOs and how are they achieving all this, but the answers may suprise you.

(4) Web3 is larger than people think, more well established and already being democratically managed through web3 communities. There is even a specific term for this type of community: 'Decentralised Autonomous Organisations' (DAOs). Far more than simply a community, DAOs own the platforms, manage treasuries, vote on governance issues and operate in similar ways to traditional companies. This huge and game changing way of humanity self-organising itself is the fourth reason I'm compelled to write.

Cryptotonium will cover all these compelling arguments, at length, within the site ... But before I close this article there is one further motivation that I will share. However, this one is more of a worry or sadness that I have about a certain inevitability.

(5) No amount of articles, presentations, explanations and simplifications will change the fact that Web3 will leave people behind. Web3 will leave people behind in greater numbers than we have ever witnessed with any prior technological advancement, simply because the extent of the change is so dramatic. As with smart phones, apps, social media and the internet generally; it is usually older generations that find it difficult to adapt. I especially hope that I can assist those individuals in making a smooth transition.

I hope you enjoy Cryptotonium.